Kids Church
At Highlands Baptist Children's Church, your child will sing fun Bible songs, play games, eat snacks, win prizes, and learn character building lessons from the Bible. They will also be able to form friendships with children from other Christian families. Check our church Facebook page for upcoming special events in our children's church. For ages 4-12
Bus Ministry
We want every child to have the opportunity to come to Highlands Baptist Church, which is why we offer free transportation. We do not require your child to wait at a bus stop, our church bus will pick your child up at your home and will bring them back after the service. Mom and dad are also welcome! Click here for more information, or to request a ride on the bus.
A well-staffed, well-equipped nursery is provided for your convenience during each church service. Our nursery is located directly across the hall from our auditorium. For ages 3 and down.
We believe it is the responsibility of the church to send the gospel around the world. (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15; Acts 1:8) We currently support mission works in Myanmar, Korea, Israel, the Philippines, the Netherlands, Panama, Chile, Mozambique, Cambodia, and a worldwide ministry reaching Gypsies. We also support several U.S. based ministries, such as a Christian Law Firm, a prison ministry, a local church re-plant, and a church helps ministry. What a privilege to be able to have a part in the work of Christ around the world. If you are a missionary that is interested in presenting your ministry at Highlands Baptist Church, please email our missions director at missions@highlandsbaptistlakeplacid.com.
At Highlands Baptist Church, there are multiple opportunities to be involved in giving out the gospel. Our church actively passes out gospel literature called "tracts". We have monthly church-wide soul-winning times, as well as multiple outreach events during the year where we give the gospel to our community. The primary purpose of our church is to bring lost souls to the saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. (Romans 1:16)